Jeremy Halteman, CPO Dankmeyer High Tech Specialist

Jeremy Halteman, CPO, joined Dankmeyer in 2019 as a high tech clinical specialist. Since his start two years ago, he has been instrumental in integrating and expanding Dankmeyer’s use of 3D scanning technologies. You may have seen him (as well as other clinicians) with his iPad and attached scanner scanning residual limbs in order to facilitate digital modifications. Software can then be used to create the ultimate in custom prosthetic test sockets in house, or to make test fittings for prosthetic arms, as well as other parts used in house.

Jeremy was one of the winners of our in house Dankmeyer video challenge #DiscoverDankmeyer. Along with Dankmeyer Prosthetic and Orthotic Resident Danny Weiser, Jeremy’s video displays the use of another high tech casting technique, HiFi. Take a look at that Dankmeyer award winning video here. If you want to know more about this casting process, click here.

Jeremy attended St. Petersburg College of Orthotics and Prosthetics in Florida, later moving to Baltimore to complete his residency and become a CPO, and has been in Maryland ever since. He enjoys problem solving unique and challenging cases as well as exploring emerging socket technologies. He has extensive experience fitting subischial sockets of various designs, as well as vacuum suspension and custom liners. He continues to work with our research and development team to put new and groundbreaking concepts into practice. He gets really excited about new O&P technology and the future of the industry!

Maryland State Senator Pays a Visit!

Wednesday morning, November 17, 2021, the Dankmeyer team welcomed Charles Dankmeyer, CPO (retired) who brought along some friends for this particular visit. Charles, while retired from practice, continues to be very active in advocacy efforts - for both patients and professionals in orthotics and prosthetics (O&P). His mission on this day was to introduce Maryland State Senator Ed Reilly and members of his staff to our very busy example of an O&P practice! Senator Reilly was joined by educators from Anne Arundel Community College for the tour of the Baltimore Washington office. The Baltimore Washington office is Dankmeyer’s main location, and features a state-of-the-art fabrication department where our skilled technicians hand craft the majority of the devices we deliver. We also provide the final touches to devices that are manufactured outside of Dankmeyer.

The office-wide tour included a close look at the equipment used in fabrication, as well as fabrication demonstrations of several devices. Jeremy Halteman, CPO, who specializes in digital fabrication, demonstrated 3D scanning followed by the process of 3D printing using scanning software files. Members of Dankmeyer’s Fabrication Department were also happy to show other fabrication techniques including a drape and blister molding model, and the process of laminating a prosthesis.

Other Dankmeyer team members were available to answer questions about all the things that happen as part of the process of providing prostheses and orthoses to patients. Fabrication is one part of a series of steps that result in that delivery and the path to well being and mobility for the patient. While the focus on this day was fabrication methods and skills, everyone was engaged in the discussions about all the information being gathered.

Education and advocacy are a part of Dankmeyer’s mission. We love the opportunity to teach others about what we do, and all the resources required in O&P to make those services available to patients in an effective and efficient manner. We thank Senator Reilly and the staff from Anne Arundel Community College for the opportunity to do that.

Farewell, Michelle Forbus!

Today Dankmeyer said goodbye to Michelle Forbus, CPO. Michelle joined us a few years ago after completing her residency to run our Eastern Shore office. Michelle has loved her time there, but decided to move out of state to be closer to family. She will be associated with a children’s hospital in her new position.

We will miss Michelle and wish her all health and happiness and safe travels!

Dankmeyer says Goodbye to Dawn Miranda

Our Dawn Miranda, Prosthetist Assistant and Marketing Assistant, is leaving us! Dawn, who joined the Dankmeyer team a little over two years ago, came to us when her family moved here from San Antonio. In San Antonio, she served in a similar position for a prosthetics and orthotics practice there, shortly after becoming an amputee herself.

Dawn wasn’t always in prosthetics and orthotics. Dawn spent a number of years in nursing, working for various facilities in both a nursing and administrative capacity. She spent time in rehabilitation, as well as being the caregiver for her elderly parents for several years. During this time, and while she fought cancer, Dawn put her business administration education on hold to take care of her family and her health.

The COVID-19 virus and public health emergency’s need for qualified clinical providers in nursing and other fields created a pull that Dawn felt to return to her nursing roots. Combined with a desire to finish her education, this calling has led Dawn to decide upon a new course for her life, which means leaving Dankmeyer.

We are very sorry to see her go. Her warmth and joy have been an inspiration to our Dankmeyer staff and all the patients she has touched. We hope that she will be able to continue to blog for us in her Dawn’s Blog. We wish her the best of luck, health and happiness!

Welcome to Dankmeyer, Chris Hierstetter!


Our newest fabrication technician, Chris Hierstetter, may have a last name that sounds familiar. He is a third generation fabrication technician here at Dankmeyer! Chris has always been driven to help people and loves working with his hands. He wanted to find a career that allowed him to blend the two. Chris has been training in our Baltimore Washington office in Linthicum and has truly enjoyed the hands-on training. Of all the tasks so far, he’s most enjoyed pulling plastic for prosthetic sockets, a task that blends science, art, and respect for incredibly hot plastic. Chris most looks forward to lamination, a time honored part of the prosthetics world, another skill that blends art and science. When not at work, Chris improves his hand/eye coordination by playing video games. We are thrilled to have Chris join team Dankmeyer and look forward to sharing his work with you.