Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout. This is how Mary Reedy, CP sees her role as a volunteer with the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay. Growing up, she was active in her local Girl Scout troop. She participated in fundraising through the famous Girl Scout Cookie Campaign, bake sales at the mall and selling calendars door to door. The money raised helped her troop fund many great adventures over the years.
“I was blessed to have a very active troop and great female role models as leaders. I didn’t realize and appreciate how much of an impact my Girl Scout experiences would have on me until later in life.” Putting on plays such as “A Christmas Carol”, traveling to campsites all over the Tri-State area, organizing and implementing camps for over 300 scouts, which earned her the Silver Leadership Pin. “I have fond memories and lasting friendships. I knew I wanted to give back as an adult, especially if I had daughters.”
For the past 10 years, she has been able to complete her goal of volunteering with her daughters’ troops. Camping on the beach, geocaching, hiking in local state parks, and traveling to historic Savannah, Georgia (birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Girl Scouts) are just a few of the many adventures. Click here to read about Low's home.
But those fun filled activities come with a price tag. “All scouting activities and badges are financed through fundraising. Our largest financial support is through the Girl Scout Cookie Campaign.” Cookie sales have been a Girl Scout tradition for over 100 years. You can read about Girl Scout cookies here.
Mary selling cookies with the troop.
For three months, the girls brave the snow, rain and cold weather selling door to door or standing outside local businesses, selling their famous products. It is more than selling. The girls are required to know their products, design table displays, and learn how to understand “supply and demand”, customer service techniques and money management. There are even “secret shoppers” in the local Girl Scout Council, who check in on each troop during the selling season. Every weekend you will find this Girl Scout Mom braving the elements to support the troop.
“There are so many more opportunities for girls today than there were when I was a kid. The girls just don’t sell cookies and make crafts.”
Today the Girls Scouts offer a multitude of programs including: STEM classes, leadership camps and spending a day at the Maryland General Assembly. “It is about discovering each girl’s strengths and helping her find her place in this world.” You can read more about Girl Scouts making a difference here.