Jeremy Halteman, CPO Dankmeyer High Tech Specialist

Jeremy Halteman, CPO, joined Dankmeyer in 2019 as a high tech clinical specialist. Since his start two years ago, he has been instrumental in integrating and expanding Dankmeyer’s use of 3D scanning technologies. You may have seen him (as well as other clinicians) with his iPad and attached scanner scanning residual limbs in order to facilitate digital modifications. Software can then be used to create the ultimate in custom prosthetic test sockets in house, or to make test fittings for prosthetic arms, as well as other parts used in house.

Jeremy was one of the winners of our in house Dankmeyer video challenge #DiscoverDankmeyer. Along with Dankmeyer Prosthetic and Orthotic Resident Danny Weiser, Jeremy’s video displays the use of another high tech casting technique, HiFi. Take a look at that Dankmeyer award winning video here. If you want to know more about this casting process, click here.

Jeremy attended St. Petersburg College of Orthotics and Prosthetics in Florida, later moving to Baltimore to complete his residency and become a CPO, and has been in Maryland ever since. He enjoys problem solving unique and challenging cases as well as exploring emerging socket technologies. He has extensive experience fitting subischial sockets of various designs, as well as vacuum suspension and custom liners. He continues to work with our research and development team to put new and groundbreaking concepts into practice. He gets really excited about new O&P technology and the future of the industry!