Wednesday morning, November 17, 2021, the Dankmeyer team welcomed Charles Dankmeyer, CPO (retired) who brought along some friends for this particular visit. Charles, while retired from practice, continues to be very active in advocacy efforts - for both patients and professionals in orthotics and prosthetics (O&P). His mission on this day was to introduce Maryland State Senator Ed Reilly and members of his staff to our very busy example of an O&P practice! Senator Reilly was joined by educators from Anne Arundel Community College for the tour of the Baltimore Washington office. The Baltimore Washington office is Dankmeyer’s main location, and features a state-of-the-art fabrication department where our skilled technicians hand craft the majority of the devices we deliver. We also provide the final touches to devices that are manufactured outside of Dankmeyer.
The office-wide tour included a close look at the equipment used in fabrication, as well as fabrication demonstrations of several devices. Jeremy Halteman, CPO, who specializes in digital fabrication, demonstrated 3D scanning followed by the process of 3D printing using scanning software files. Members of Dankmeyer’s Fabrication Department were also happy to show other fabrication techniques including a drape and blister molding model, and the process of laminating a prosthesis.
Other Dankmeyer team members were available to answer questions about all the things that happen as part of the process of providing prostheses and orthoses to patients. Fabrication is one part of a series of steps that result in that delivery and the path to well being and mobility for the patient. While the focus on this day was fabrication methods and skills, everyone was engaged in the discussions about all the information being gathered.
Education and advocacy are a part of Dankmeyer’s mission. We love the opportunity to teach others about what we do, and all the resources required in O&P to make those services available to patients in an effective and efficient manner. We thank Senator Reilly and the staff from Anne Arundel Community College for the opportunity to do that.