What is a "Color Run” and how did Dankmeyer, Inc. get involved with this event?
Well, a Color Run is a charitable 5K Walk/Run, where colored corn starch gets thrown on you as you make your way through the course– it's messy and colorful! Our story starts back in the fall of 2013. “Would the Dankmeyer group want join our family in the Color Run?”, asked Jody, mother of Tru - a 7 year old boy and right knee disarticulation amputee. She took me a little by surprise. Because, well, I don’t run! I don’t like running. And I’ve never participated in a race before - because I’ve never wanted to. But the only answer to Jody's question that made sense to me was “Of course. That sounds great!”
Tru is one of my little inspirations. And I was impressed by his and his family’s determination. So we formed a team. And he trained for this. He would run in his neighborhood to his stop sign and back, gradually increasing his distance. And his mom practiced throwing corn starch on him so he wouldn’t be afraid of it during the race. While Tru was training, a few other Dankmeyer patients signed up– another young amputee named Eric and his family, and a brand new amputee Steve, who only had only gotten his first prosthesis less than 2 months before the event. So on race day, I gathered with Tru, his parents and his sister, along with our other two other daring amputees, many of the Dankmeyer staff, and families. Some of us ran, some of us walked, some of us did a little of both, and some waited at the finish to snag some great pictures. But we were all there supporting one another in our individual goals and having a great time doing it. And what inspired me the most, was after all of this, Tru asked to do it again!
-Angie Swindell, CPO
Tru (center) accompanied by mom Jody (left) and his prosthetist Angie (right).
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