The summer session of Amputee Walking School was held on June 20, 2018. The afternoon segment was scheduled as a learning session for professionals, followed by an evening session where those with lower limb loss and their families come to work with the pros on various kinds of exercises.
Paralympians and self-styled “professional amputees” Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler were there to lead the sessions, as Dankmeyer co-hosts with the University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Institute (UMROI).
Erika with Dankmeyer's Angie Bryl, CPO.
Erika Brannock, who has previously attended AWS, was there to sign her new children’s book, The Journey of NEM. NEM is based on the true story of her experiences after the 2013 Boston Marathon, when she became an amputee. This motivational speaker and preschool teacher writes, “I wrote this book hoping to help children understand that when a hard thing happens to them, it’s not going to defeat them…”. Dankmeyer is very happy to support Erika in this new endeavor.
Always busy and fun, there are two sessions of AWS left this year. Pencil these dates in so you don't miss the fun:
September 19, 2018
November 14, 2018
You can read all about prior sessions and see a LOT of pictures by scrolling through our AWS news below.