Registration for the November 16, 2016 event is open. There are two sessions.
All events will be held at the University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Institute (UMROI) on Kernan Drive in Baltimore. This series is co-hosted by the Amputee Support Group, UMROI and Dankmeyer. It aims to teach and practice training exercises for lower limb amputees. Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler, Paralympians and self-styled “professional amputees”, co-founded the Amputee Walking School in 1989 to take amputees beyond traditional rehabilitation. Their stories and training sessions are an inspiration to the professionals, amputees and their families who attend.
Previous amputee participants are encouraged to attend more than one session. If you haven't been before, you might find reports of previous sessions fun and inspiring! Please scroll down through OLDER news on this page.
The morning session is for professionals. This is a very inexpensive way to earn CEU's. Information for this session 11/16/16 from 1-7pm, can be found by clicking here. To register for this session click here.
Patients and their families can attend the evening session. For information, click here. There is no charge for attending the event 11/16/2016 from 5-7 pm! If you would like to register, click here.
Dates for 2017 sessions have been announced!
Dates for the 2017 series of Advanced Gait Training for Individuals with Lower Extremity Amputations (Amputee Walking School) have been announced.
March 15, 2017
June 21, 2017
September 16, 2017 in conjunction with the Adaptive Sports Festival
November 15, 2017
If you are interested in attending, either as a professional, or as an amputee, put these dates on your calendar!