On Saturday, November 8, 2014, we were very proud to be partnered again with The University of Maryland Rehabilitation & Orthopaedic Institute to present the fall edition of Advanced Gait Training for Individuals with Lower Extremity Amputations. The all-day event was conducted by two dynamic Paralympians, Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler. Held at The University of Maryland Shore Regional Health Center at Queenstown, participants included amputees and their families, physical therapists, prosthetists and support staff. The day included a morning of interactive lectures by the engaging duo of Todd and Dennis. After a break for lunch, exercises for all attendees were conducted in the therapy center! Participants explored different stations where they could work on balance and technique under the direction of Dennis and Todd, with physical therapists learning the training techniques to employ in their own work with patients. Dennis and Todd are always well received, and we look forward to many more clinics with these two in the future.