Pigs and Glam! Dankmeyer Techs Enter Contest

UPDATE:  Shree Thaker takes 6th and Art Ross takes 9th in contest.

Dankmeyer technicians are very creative folks - not just in their every day work in fabrication of our patients’ devices, but in the design and development of other projects - like the Feet First Prosthetic Footshell Decorating Contest!

Now, what is foot shell, you may ask? Well, a foot shell is a cosmetic covering that looks like a foot.  The prosthetic foot fits inside the foot shell, and then that fits into a shoe.  There are many types of prosthetic feet, which are designed to meet the needs that fit the lifestyle of the patient.  

The Orthotic and Prosthetic Activities Foundation (OPAF) & The First Clinics asked for entrants into a contest to decorate a foot shell.  Fifty shells were donated by Kingsley Manufacturing, which entrants could request by January 8 and then decorate and return to OPAF by February 15.  These entries will be displayed at the OPAF booth at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists March 9 - March 12, 2016 in Orlando, FL.  These entries will be voted on at the meeting, with online voting March 1 - March 5.  After the winners are announced at the meeting, they will be auctioned off to support OPAF & The First Clinics.

VOTE HERE:https://feet-first.typeform.com/to/ttJhWg

Let's take a look at what our artists submitted:

Art Ross submitted his entry titled “This Little Piggy; Heavy Medal Edition”. In his video, he explains his inspiration.  His grandson likes to pull his socks off, and hear the nursery rhyme This Little Piggy. So, Art put little piggies on the foot shell, and also incorporated his own love of heavy metal music into the design.


Shree Thaker submitted her entry titled “Royal Glitz and Glam.” Shree saw a picture of a doll that a parent had disassembled to create a miniature prosthetic leg for his amputee daughter. This led her to think about adding a little glitz and glam that young girl amputees might like, so she took it to a bigger scale on the foot shell.  The result is a regal/royal take on a Greek style sandal.