Dankmeyer Academy has a series of continuing education courses for therapists! 

Thank you for your participation in our Lunch and Learn series! Click here for the playlist of our previous Lunch and Learn sessions.

You can always find our most recent session on this page.

You can subscribe to our newsletter, if you have not already, to be in the know when Dankmeyer Academy is back. See you soon!

Dankmeyer Academy includes an ongoing education series taught by a Dankmeyer clinician on a myriad of orthotic and prosthetic topics. Clinicians Rochelle Groves, CPO, Jeremy Halteman, CPO and Director of Technical Operations, Sarah Martinez, CPO, with Angie Bryl, CPO, MBA, and COO, and Mark Hopkins, PT, CPO, MBA and CEO present courses at host locations or virtually.

Our courses are approved by the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 0.1 credits per hour. They have also been approved by the Maryland Board of Occupational Therapy Practice for 1 credit per hour. If your group has a specific topic in mind, please let us know and we can create custom content.

For further information on Dankmeyer Academy and to schedule a course, please contact us at academy@dankmeyer.com.

Live Lunch and Learn Series

Our Lunch and Learn series allows us to share shorter presentations (30-40 minutes) with the goal to allow our partners to participate as topics appeal to them. This also allows us to take suggestions and requests on future topics to make sure we are providing the content that you need.

Our shorter presentations are uncredited but have the ability to be lengthened and developed into full length accredited courses.  

Several of our sessions have been recorded and are available on our YouTube channel and the most recent is available to view below. Our hope is to keep recording these sessions to build a library that can be used to continue our mission of education in the field of O&P.

If you would like receive information for our Lunch and Learn series, email us at academy@dankmeyer.com


Other Professional Training, In-Services & Seminars

At Dankmeyer we strive to be a valuable resource for our referral sources as well as for our patients.  We offer opportunities for our referral sources to meet face-to-face with our practitioners.  These meetings can be a small group Lunch and Learn, or an In-Service for a larger group or department. 

Topics include but certainly aren’t limited to:

  • Early intervention pre and post amputation

  • Guidance on Medicare guidelines and documentation as they relate to the population that we serve

  • The importance of connecting inpatients with outpatient services including our Orthotics and Prosthetics Clinics to improve the continuity of care, the communication among service providers and to promote a long term care model

  • Providing information regarding our Patient Navigator page to link patients to services and programs that they may find useful including the Amputee Coalition, and Certified Peer Visitors

  • Education on Outcome Measures in Lower Limb Prosthetics, i.e., K-levels

  • Guidance on proper use and selection of devices.

Contact us today at academy@dankmeyer.com to schedule your professional update seminar.