Physical therapists usually provide the additional training as required. The new prosthesis should be worn initially for short periods and wearing time increased each day depending upon individual situations.
One of the greatest problems in obtaining good performance and maximum comfort is caused by over weight of the amputee. Fluctuations in body weight are reflected in the stump where changes in volume result in poor fit, discomfort, and consequently poor performance. A reasonable exercise program and a sensible diet are important factors in the health and well being of everyone, but even more so in the case of amputees.
Slight reduction in size of the stump can be accommodated by adjustments to the socket, but the prosthetist can do little about expanding the size of a socket and almost any increase in size of the stump means a new prosthesis.
The electronic version of this manual is presented by Dankmeyer, Inc., with the permission of the authors. This manual may not be redistributed in any form.