Summer Interns Cecelia and Chesca join Clinical Team
Being able to resume our summer intern program with the lifting of COVID restrictions is very rewarding, as education is a very important part of our mission. This year we welcome Chesca Basillo and Cecelia Lamancusa. Both Chesca and Cecelia are pursuing careers in prosthetics and orthotics and spending time in a P&O practice gives them the opportunity to continue their hands on education in a busy practice. Cecelia spent some of her summer of 2017 with us, and also a few weeks in January 2019 before COVID began to shut things down.
Chesca and Cecelia wrote a few words to introduce themselves.
My name is Chesca Basilio and I am interning this summer at Dankmeyer. I am a rising senior at the University of Delaware, studying biomedical engineering. Outside of class, I am involved in a disability advocacy and design club that makes custom assistive devices for families in the local community. I also enjoy going to concerts and traveling to new areas. In the fall, I will be applying to graduate programs in Prosthetics and Orthotics. I am looking forward to learning more about the field to prepare for my future studies.
Hello, my name is Cecelia Lamancusa. I’m a college graduate of Dickinson College and I’ll be starting my first semester at the Prosthetics and Orthotics master’s program of the University of Pittsburgh. I hope that this internship will not only give me a wider and fuller prospective of the field, but also have me more than ready for my first classes in grad school. I enjoy looking at and making artworks, especially sculptural works. I also enjoy baking and taking cute pictures of my cats.
Welcome them when you see them, Chesca (left) and Cecelia (right) when they are not with patients, and if you see them in patient areas, masked!