3DPO Meets the New Summer Interns
A little over a year ago, 3DPO started his internship at Dankmeyer. In that time, he has learned how to do many things. He has visited not only each of the four Dankmeyer offices, but been taken on many field trips as well. He has helped in the Linthicum office remodeling, been to Amputee Walking School, been on TV with the Dankmeyer gang for Manic Mondays, and done a lot of sweeping! In fact, that was his first job - to help clean up the fabrication area.
Clara (L) and Shaina (R) meet 3DPO.
This summer, 3DPO is very happy to see two new interns at Dankmeyer, Clara Romero Tejera and Shaina Patel. Clara and Shaina are both college students. Clara is from Madrid, Spain, and Shaina is from Bethlehem, PA. Both are engineering students, but Clara is a biomechanical engineering major and Shaina is a mechanical engineering and dance major. They are serious students who will not be spending their time sweeping! They will be observing patients and working on a 3D printing project.
After finishing their paperwork, Amy Smith, Administrative Assistant, made the introductions. 3DPO had so many questions for them.
How long are you studying at UMD?
Clara: This summer I am wrapping up my year of study at the University of Maryland, and will return to the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain in August. (Clara was in the class Angie Bryl, CPO taught this past semester at the University of Maryland Department of Mechanical Engineering. Angie's story about the class is on the Dankmeyer blog In the Community.)
Shaina: That's funny. I just returned from a year of study abroad at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in Spain to continue my program at UMD here!
Why did you choose to study engineering?
Clara: My brothers are engineers, and I admire them. I chose biomechanical engineering because I love biology and it is a way to combine my interests in the two fields.
Shaina: Ever since elementary school, I have liked doing puzzles and putting things together. Mechanical engineering is the broadest of the engineering disciplines and I think I can do more with this major.
What will you do when you finish your undergraduate studies?
Clara: I would like to return to the US to pursue a masters degree.
Shaina: I think I would like to work a little before attending graduate school.
Why are you interested in prosthetics?
Clara: My mother has worked for many non-profit organizations, and when I came across some photos of amputees, I knew I wanted to make a difference and help people in this way.
Shaina: I actually heard a TED Talk by Hugh Herr (click here to hear this talk) who created a prosthesis for a dancer who lost her leg in the Boston Marathon bombing. As a dancer, that struck a chord with me.
Shaina, a combination engineering dance major is interesting. What is your favorite kind of dance?
Shaina: I have been a dancer for many years. Contemporary and hip hop are my favorites.
I have some moves. I think I can do the Moon Walk. Maybe you can show me some of your stuff. Also, can I practice my Spanish with both of you while you are here?
Clara and Shaina: OK.